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Your optimal study resource for the EMREE exam

PassEMREE is a question bank designed for the Emirates Medical Residency Entrance Exam.

The idea was born out of the necessity for a clear, compact and up to date resource to study for the EMREE exam, as there was no single and clear resource to study from.

We recommend that PassEMREE should not be your only study resource for this exam, but we hope that it will streamline the process significantly.

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Start your free trial now

Our free trial consists of 10 questions from various medical specialties

We are still working on our questionbank but after the release you will be able to purchase the full version with access to 500+ questions designed to cover all subspecialties on the exam.

We are aiming to release the first version of PassEmree by end of September 2024

Get in Touch

Are you interested in collaborating? Please share your information, and we will reach out promptly. We are eagerly anticipating your message!